an Adventurer's Guide to Mithra


The world is chang­ing. Few of the gods bother to inter­fere in the lives of mor­tals any­more. Humans have spread across the land and mul­ti­plied. For the most part the elves, com­fort­able in their secret glades and beau­ti­ful homes, have retreated to a life of study. The dwarves, secure in their impen­e­tra­ble cav­erns, con­tinue to cre­ate won­ders, as they will until the end of days, their work prized in every mar­ket of the world. The Traders con­tinue to wind their mas­sive car­a­vans across the plains.

It is a time of man, of king­doms and petty wars. Mid­lothia and the Far­ther­lands are at each oth­ers throats as King Fal­go­ron begins a deluded quest to form an empire. The econ­omy of the west­ern king­doms is fad­ing so that they must find a way to attract set­tlers and trade, or risk set­tling into a life of wretched­ness and stag­na­tion. The free states remain uncar­ing of the affairs of the other king­doms, not real­iz­ing how dan­ger­ous it is to ignore the ten­sions mount­ing at their bor­ders, and they con­cen­trate on grow­ing fat from trade. Naria mobi­lizes her scant army for an attack from the Far­ther­lands once Mid­lothia has been con­quered, know­ing they can’t stand against the self-proclaimed emperor and will be swal­lowed back into the land they sep­a­rated from years ago. Northreach and Vis­ten­hold are aware of lit­tle that goes on in the larger king­doms, con­tent to live out their sim­ple lives and believ­ing them­selves safe behind the mountains.